
Custom logotype, identity, social media and website design for a sustainable pocket square brand

A Vibrant Second Life

As business becomes more casual there is an opportunity for men’s fashion to once more be expressive. Pocktie seeks the bold and exciting from the best eras of mens fashion to craft one of kind, sustainable pocket squares to spice up your everyday work-wear. With the purchase of only 1 Pocktie, you’ll be able to wear a new style nearly every weekday as each product comes with 4 different patterns.

Sustainability Squared

Just like the products themselves, the visual language breaths new life into recycled materials. We twisted and contorted patterns found in the various Pocktie and paired them with carefully selected vintage printed satire from the public domain. This gives the brand identity a consistently unique digital presence. We packaged each product in envelopes made with recycled paper allowing for an economic and environmentally friendly alternative to complicated packaging. Each one of these consumer touch-points help to communicate the sophisticated quirk of Pocktie.

“The Pocktie business model is built from the idea that patterns are constantly shifting in and out of circulation. ”

“We twisted and contorted patterns found in the various Pocktie and paired them with carefully selected vintage printed satire…”

Monty Pocktie

It was extremely important to founder and CEO Nicholas Hall that the brand incorporate the same distinguished whimsy that the products do. In order to capture this energy, I cut-out some of the most absurd vintage illustrations I could find in the public domain and manipulated them to match the various color palettes found in the recycled tie patterns. I also may or may not have watched an episode or 2 of Monty Python’s flying circus…

To Recyclability & Beyond

The Pocktie business model is built from the idea that patterns are constantly shifting in and out of circulation. We wanted to make sure we created an identity that acknowledged the in-flux and constantly evolving nature of the brand.

In order to ensure maximum longevity for the identity system, I expanded the patterns of Pocktie into an infinitely replicable system enabling endless combinations for future branded moments and future products. We then were able to slice up these patterns and combine them with other brand elements to create a system that guarantees consistently engaging results.